Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tents for Troops

When you’re lucky enough to own a campground, you take for granted that you have a resource almost as precious as family: you have land in all its glory.
 Lock 30 Woodlands has a mile of secluded riverfront. Much of the year—for nearly five months –it is so secluded that for as far as you can see, you won’t see anything but trees, river and wildlife.  Not a single house, no traffic and often, no people.  We’re open year round, but with 68 private acres surrounded by a wildlife protective conservation easement, we’re the definition of secluded.
Can you think of a better place to find peace?
That’s why we’re honored to share our slice of paradise with the ½ million active military families in this country. Tents for Troops is securing commitments from campground owners to offer free camping to these families. We were Ohio’s first campground to climb aboard.
No matter how you feel about our country’s leadership, or its military and political decisions, there’s more that unites than divides us when it comes to this country’s military families. We agree that they make great sacrifices on our behalf. We agree that they suffer immeasurably when their loved ones are called overseas. We can only imagine what level of stress they live with from day to day.
To be able to say thanks in such a small way as to offer them a place to relax is a privilege beyond what words can describe.
I hope my colleagues don’t pass up this chance to say thank you to families who can benefit by spending time together in the woods.